Started out with choosing the houses and placing them, then landscaping around them (this helped me visualize what was needed in each area.) Fortunately there are a lot of houses languishing in my inventory, and all the 50% off Black Friday sales were going on when I needed to shop for a house. This house is by DaD, the Victorian Sunrise Cottage. It overlooks the beach and faces sunset. I named this one the Winter White House! Added the DaD pier/stairs (sold separately).
To blend in the house with the beach and surrounding terrain, used HPMD’s Cliff Hill Snow, Konoha’s Black Forest boulders, Lagom and Soy snow rocks, 3D Trees Beech Forest seasonal, and KIDD White Feather Wild Bush. The other main trees and shrubs I used on the region were the Botanical Douglas Firs, the Mesh Winter Garden Border by Felix, and the HPMD Shrub 03 winter.
Close up of the Winter Park gazebo, branch chandelier, and cobblestone flooring. I added Shutterfield’s Woodland Sofa and Mini Sack Winter Trees, and a firepit from Trompe’s advent calendar hunt.
It has been a long time since I posted here, due to starting a new SL job with Seraphim, the holidays, and revamping my rental homestead region… decided to do a winter white makeover! This post and the next few posts will give an overview of the major features (will not be listing every item used, just the high points).
Started with the existing raw terrain file the Mountain Valley sold by Sky Linnaeus on Marketplace. Since I am not the region owner, I emailed the file to the owner and they uploaded it for me. Also added a sim surround from Landscapes Unlimited called the Alpine Ridge 3/4 Mega Surround. The store has demos for different sizes of surrounds, I went with 3/4 so I could have an open side facing the western sunset.
Since I wanted the snowy region to have a more open feel with high mountains surrounding, I terraformed the base terrain quite a bit, flattening the existing mountains. Then came the fun part – choosing terrain textures! There were quite a few snow textures in my inventory already, went with a “white” snow texture from Skye called Winter Snow 512-2-0 for the 2 lowest elevations, and an ice rock texture for the higher. Note the beach in the photo is left over from autumn, it is a Skye Sandy beach, and the snow melts off of the beach quite quickly lol. My next post will be about adding the landscaping, cliffs, rocks etc.
The Linden Fantasy Premium Homes at Belliseria are the perfect showcase for glowing fantastical home and garden decorations! The Linden landscaping comes alive and glows with Second Life night, currently we are in the autumn phase and I anticipate they will change the glow colors for winter soon. The Veiled Mushroom set by Cerridwen’s Cauldron is currently at the Access Event, though December 8th. These stunningly beautiful mushrooms are highly customizable, you can change the textures on each little part and also adjust the glow, plus the mushroom sizes range from small to Titanic! The glowing Crystal Fountains and Wall Sconces are part of the Pumby Fantasy Collection, stylish, low prim and versatile. And the Konoha Fluffy Natoma Grass comes in a multitude of shapes and sizes with several texture options (plus, it is reallllly soft!). I feel like my fantasy home is ready for the holiday season, who needs lights?
This stunning Sugar Plum Fairy dress makes me feel like a queen, with the included crown and earrings! It comes in seven colors, black, white, pastel pink (shown), and four deep jewel tone shades.
Close-up of the sparkling crown and flawless earrings! I am hoping to get invited to some soirees so I can wear this again soon. You can choose your own Sugar Plum Fairy dress at Sofia’s at the Enchantment event that runs November 13 – November 30, 2021.
Raindale recently came out with a gift for their VIP Group that is just amazing, and consists of a ton of goodies: a lighted arbor, a nice cozy bench, a round table with a cocoa & pie tray that dispenses hot cocoa, pillows, tabletop candles, a tall wooden candlestick/birdcage, and a lantern with fireflies! The warm autumn tones and the golds and browns were a good match for 8f8’s new landscaping set The Way of The Oaks. You can get the Oaks set at Anthem; either in pieces (path set, big oaks, oaklings, a big oak with a rock fountain), or as a full pack which includes an exclusive Oak Master, the little fellow in the pile of leaves at left. The “Out of Sight” grass is separate. (Note: the greenery in the background is the Seasons Bush set by Felix).
The Doggy Bedroom Set from Crowded Room features an avatar size bed, leash rack, supply shelf and the cutest bone light! I was looking forward to curling up in the bed but my dogs beat me to it!
The Linden Home campers are located in both sandy beachy areas and green forested areas, we were lucky and snagged this beauty a few days ago. Now to relax and enjoy the view, our Ebento Weekend shopping trip netted these Classic Lawn Chairs from Muniick [Britt32 Beck] and the campfire, wood and cast iron pot are all included! It was tough deciding between roasting marshmallows, getting caffeinated or swilling a beer, the lawn chairs include props.